Fort Moore
Over 125,000 people in the Chattahoochee Valley have a connection to Fort Moore as Soldiers and their families, Retirees and their families, Contractors, and DA Civilians. Fort Moore is the third largest employer in Georgia with over 45,000 Soldiers and civilians working on the installation. The economic impact to Bi-State area is $4.75 billion dollars per year. Fort Moore has been an integral part and a friend of the Chattahoochee Valley for over 100 years.
Camp Benning was established near Columbus, Georgia on the 19th of October, 1918. The citizens of Columbus with the Chamber of Commerce lobbied the US government to build a fort. On the second attempt the US Army moved the School of Musketry to Camp Benning. Columbus, Phenix City and Fort Moore will continue to work together to make the region a great place to live.